Monday 21 September 2015

letters of my name

-we went on google images to get scenes
-then copy the scene we chose and liked
-pasted it on photo shop
- erase around the image to create a letter of your name then save that to the web the pasted onto our blog

I've learnt how to :
- copy and pasted to many different areas
-use the eraser tool on photo shop
-create a blog and post to it
-to create an avatar

the tools I've use on photo on photo shop are eraser and crop

5 short cuts on a key board

- ctrl z to erase on photo shop
-ctrl tab to switch in between open pages
-e for eraser
-r for rotate
-l for lasso tool

using a blog is easy when you get the hang of it its more work then fun when your done the assignment you post it on your blog for everyone to see and enjoy:) you get marked on the quality of the work on your blog also how many things you post

the layout section is where you upload stuff onto your blog you can create headers and other things

the HTML section of each post is used for the HTML code

Wednesday 16 September 2015