Friday 20 November 2015

day 5 review of planet base

today on planet base was awesome only cause I didn't die once:)  but my review on planet base is its not a good game really I gets you really stressed about every thing and it doesn't even make sense like the people move so slow and when they need something they don't go and do it I believe theres much better games out there (ballon tower defense) now im done trashing planet base heres the good things about it it makes you more educational if you like the game sims you should go try planetbase because its sims on mars also its really fun to try and figure out what needs what and you get really in to the game I rate the game 7 out of 10 so go try it out

Thursday 19 November 2015

day 4

my strategy work I was flawless but the one thing I learned is that you need a lot of energy out of everything but that's not to say you don't need the other stuff like bio dome water extractor and a bar you definly need a bar once you get the hang of the game it gets really fun

day 4 my plan

My strategy for today is not to die 3 times in a row also is to get the thing that my colony needs first like a oxygen generator and to keep things rollin smoothly and not let my people die

Wednesday 18 November 2015

plant base gmae day 3

the game was very hard if your not efficient and fast to build your stuff to make your people survive, I died 3 times playing this game so I didn't really actual get a chance to play it cause I sucked  and got very frustrated at that fact I died 3 I recommend not dying cause you might punch a hole though your computer like why are all these people coming here its ridiculous do not play this game balloon tower defense is a much better and easier game go play that instead
this is all the machines needing every thing and I cant give it to them

this is what the start of the game looks  like

this is my colony failing to survive

Monday 16 November 2015

planet base first impression / of the video

plant base is a group a people who make their home on a remote planet, in this game you are a base architect and manager telling and helping all the other characters to build  a home to survive this remote plant you have to make sure you have a constant water, food and oxygen supply to stay alive then you will have to do other such as collect electricity mine metal these things are needed to build bio domes and oxygen generator  and a power collector. plant base is like sims in space

this is a bio dome

this is the pod you are in when you land on the remote plant

in the movie he shows us how to use and play plant base the game the goal of the game is to have the essentials food water protection energy and oxygen to keep the people alive. You have to go quick in the game because people will die the controls are simple the main tool bar is in the top left corner