Monday 16 November 2015

planet base first impression / of the video

plant base is a group a people who make their home on a remote planet, in this game you are a base architect and manager telling and helping all the other characters to build  a home to survive this remote plant you have to make sure you have a constant water, food and oxygen supply to stay alive then you will have to do other such as collect electricity mine metal these things are needed to build bio domes and oxygen generator  and a power collector. plant base is like sims in space

this is a bio dome

this is the pod you are in when you land on the remote plant

in the movie he shows us how to use and play plant base the game the goal of the game is to have the essentials food water protection energy and oxygen to keep the people alive. You have to go quick in the game because people will die the controls are simple the main tool bar is in the top left corner

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